Protect your right to a healthy life.

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Health Choice is a non-profit organization focusing on awareness of health choices, education on nutrition, healing, and prevention of chronic illnesses for children and adults. Our group was formed in response to a study published in Academic Pediatrics that represented 43% of children (32 million) in the US suffers from a chronic health condition. It is our belief that these rates will continue to increase if parents are not aware of the unhealthy choices in their lifestyle such as industrial processed foods, side effects of vaccine choices, and other environmental and lifestyle factors. We want to help Americans understand how to have a healthy lifestyle, return to a state of wellness and promote sound choices for their children.

Guiding Principles


Awareness of the new man-made epidemics is the first requirement for ending them.


When complexity clouds our understanding of health crises, our moral imperative is to first do no harm.


The best measure of a safe environment is the total health and happiness of an individual human being.


The individual’s right to choose or refuse medical interventions affecting them or their children must be defended.


Full access to the healing professions and to truthful information is essential to liberty.


True empowerment requires that the individual is accorded and assumes responsibility for their own health, happiness and nutrition.


When injuries occur as a consequence of institutional failure, the victims deserve justice.


The cause of justice is best served when our governing institutions are free from commercial interests.


A compassionate society has a duty to provide injured and otherwise disabled citizens with an opportunity for happiness and to treat them with dignity.

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