Executive Leadership Team


Louis Conte

Lou Conte is the father of triplet boys, two with autism. He is the Director of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Justice Project and a founding advocate member of EBCALA. He serves on the board of the Autism Action Network. Mr. Conte has advocated extensively in New York for autism...

Kim Rossi

Kim Rossi is Managing Editor of Age of Autism, author of All I Can Handle I’m No Mother Teresa A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism and the novel House of Cards. A graduate of Boston College and former marketing professional, she is also a Huffington Post blogger and speaks...

Kim Mack Rosenberg

Kim is a litigator and her practice focuses on products liability, class actions, insurance coverage and general civil litigation. In 2009 she was recognized by the Legal Aid Society for her pro bono service. In addition to being co-President of the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, Kim...

Katie Weisman

Katie Weisman is the mother of 15 year-old identical triplet boys, who all have autism as a result of thimerosal poisoning.  They are fantastic kids and she is very proud of them. She has spent the last 12 years, since their diagnosis, working to help them recover and to prevent...

Julie Obradovic

Julie Obradovic is a Contributing Editor to Age of Autism. Julie has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and two master’s degrees from St. Xavier University in Chicago. As a writer, public speaker, activist, and volunteer, Julie has worked for several autism organizations over the past...

John Stone

John Stone has an adult autistic son, lives in London and has been UK correspondent of Age of Autism since 2008. His reporting has focussed on the misrepresentation of events and of science surrounding the autism crisis and vaccines.

Jennifer Stella

Jennifer holds a degree in microbiology and worked in the field of molecular infectious disease diagnostics before starting her family. She started looking more thoroughly into vaccine health impacts/injury recovery options and “alternative” health choices after her son reacted violently to his baby shots. She is now a classically trained homeopath and passionate...

Jennifer Larson

Jennifer Larson is the mother of 16 year old with regressive autism, and the President of the Canary Party. She is a graduate of the University of Minnesota with degrees in marketing, psychology and speech communication. Jennifer is the owner and CEO Vibrant Technologies, incorporated 1998 and of St. Croix...

Jennifer Black

Jennifer Black is a mother of two kids. While pregnant with her oldest, she became aware of issues with the vaccine program and started him on a delayed schedule for the first 10 months of his life. Before he turned 1, she and her husband decided to hold off on...

Emily Tarsell

Emily Tarsell, LCPC, ATR-BC is a Maryland resident, mother, artist and licensed clinical professional counselor.  Emily has worked professionally to assist families, children, adolescents and adults with social/emotional issues such as ADHD, autism, anxiety, trauma, mood disorders, attachment and relationship issues and developmental delays. She is currently in private practice....

Dorian Yates

Dorian has worked on environmental and health issues for thirty-five years in the non-profit and for-profit sectors, covering a range of green and ecological issues including food, travel, energy and health care. Dorian has worked for grassroots advocacy organizations, lobbied state and federal legislators, advised philanthropic and socially responsible investment...

Dan Burns

Dan E Burns, Ph.D. (English), served as a writer-producer for Eastman Kodak Company, as a speechwriter for Diamond Shamrock Corporation/Maxus Energy, and as Adjunct Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, teaching systems analysis. In 1980 his third child, Benjamin, was diagnosed with autism. In Saving Ben: A Father’s Story of...
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